Inclusive Coffee for all. The Lucy Foundation (TLF) grew from the vision of a group of young people to develop inclusive, ethical, and sustainable models of business with a focus on meaningful employment for people with disabilities.

Named after the prosthetic leg ‘Lucy Leg’ of co-founder, Robbie Francis, who was born with a physical disability, TLF began creating a complete end-to-end supply chain of coffee that is inclusive of people with disabilities from the country of origin (Mexico) to the country of consumption (Aotearoa New Zealand).
In 2016, TLF established a team on the ground in Pluma Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Mexico, working with indigenous coffee-farming families and disabled people through the production of specialty Pluma coffee beans. The coffee is shipped to Aotearoa New Zealand, roasted and distributed. TLF Pluma coffee is a ‘specialty’ range coffee (2020 cupping score 86/100) that cares for people and the environment.
In 2021, TLF will launch a new initiative in Aotearoa New Zealand, setting up a coffee education and distribution centre here in Kirikiriroa (Hamilton). Once the coffee has been roasted, it will be sent to Kirikiriroa where TLF will partner with local charity Recreate MOXIE (Meaningful Opportunities X’ing Into Employment) From early 2021, 3 - 4 young people with learning (intellectual) disabilities will attend training sessions at the TLF dispatch centre in Kirikiriroa, to learn about coffee, the value chain, equipment, hospitality and distribution of TLF coffee with the goal that at least one of the group gains meaningful employment at our TLF dispatch centre.