Youth Research VOX

Youth Research Vox (YRV) was founded in May 2020. When the unprecedented pandemic shattered the world, when communities scrambled to survive, a small group of young people in America rose to the challenge. Four high school students with the support of an educator started YRV with nothing but a dream.
Today, YRV has grown into a global network of young researchers from 37 countries with a mission to forge community sustainability through youth-led research. Together, we study economic, social, and environmental issues of community sustainability and seek solutions that will help us lead our communities to a brighter future. At Youth Research Vox, no dream is too big, no action is impossible. While youth might be only twenty percent of the world's population, they are one hundred percent of the world's future.
Rototuna Rotary Club has partnered with Youth Research VOX to support New Zealand high school students join a global collaboration with their peers from around the world.
Youth Research VOX in New Zealand
Supported by Rotary, Youth Research Vox partners with Rotary Clubs worldwide enabling high school students between 13 and 19 years old to participate in a unique international online research scholarship programme. Students from Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North and South America and the Pacific collaborate on research aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals under the guidance of a YRV Research Advisor to produce a high-quality research paper that can be peer reviewed and published. For the first time, eligible students from New Zealand will have the opportunity to apply to join the research programme and apply for the scholarship. Youth Research VOX of California and Rototuna Rotary of Hamilton will provide scholarship funds for up to two recipients.
Available for high school students who are:
Passionate about conducting research with youth in various countries.
Eager to contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Committed to spending 6 hours per week on research activities.
Participants will:
Make friends with students around the world.
Together, can make an impact on an important issue.
Become researchers and published authors.
What is YRV?
What is the purpose of YRV?
YRV is an international nonprofit organization based in California, United States. YRV is operated under the state government of California and led by a team of experts in education and sustainable development.
The purpose of the YRV Research Programme is to help high school students strengthen academic skills through research and therefore increase their chances of university admissions.
Do I need to have perfect grades to be considered?
How does the YRV Research Programme work?
No. Having perfect grades is different from having strong academic skills. And having "talent" is different from having potential for growth. YRV believes that it's not about how much you can do, but how much you can grow. It's that growth potential that we value most.
In the YRV Research Programme students work in small groups on a research topic under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each research team has the support of a research advisor. The programme is one-year long, from January to November 2024. Each team is expected to produce a high-quality research paper that will be peer reviewed and published.
Do students need to travel for the programme?
What does the YRV Research Programme involve?
All programme activities including small group live sessions, one-on-one meetings, team collaboration, and independent work are done remotely. A computer and stable access to the internet are all students need.
Students collaborate through weekly research meetings, group work, and independent work, approximately 6 hours per week in total. All meetings, discussions, and teamwork are done remotely via Zoom and Google collaborative apps. Each team creates their own meeting and work schedules in consideration of team members' time zones.